Nativefier Turns Any Website Into a Native Application From the Command Line

Windows / Mac / Linux: Mac users have long been able to easily create their own desktop apps from web apps using Fluid , but if you’re not on a Mac or just need a command line approach, then Nativefier is worth checking out.

Nativefier runs on the command line, and after installing it ( you need Node first ), you can turn websites into desktop apps with a single command from the command line. Just run this command and replace the site you want to build with :

 nativefier ""

That’s all. Nativefier will create a small desktop version of the website you visit. It’s just a wrapper for a web page, but useful if you don’t like having a million tabs open. Of course, there are also many options you can use to customize the app, including a means to add icons, change a name, or choose a specific default resolution. Fluid for Mac might be a little easier for most people , but it’s a solid cross-platform solution anyway.

Nativefier (free) | NPM


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