Apple Music Notes Lets You Jot Down Snippets of Song Ideas Quickly and Easily

iOS: Apple has released a new app called Music Memos that tries to make it a little easier to record those musical ideas you have on the go.

In typical Apple Music Memos fashion, it is very simple. When you open the app, you are presented with a large button to record. Tap it (or set it to auto-record) and you can start recording your song idea right away. When you’re done, Music Memos will dig into the audio to figure out chords and tempo. Then you can add a little bass or drum track to get a feel for how it will sound. Once you are done with your idea, you can also go ahead and add lyrics, tags, or other notes. Basically, Music Memos is a charged Voice Memos app with a few handy tricks designed for musicians. You are not going to record an entire album here, but it will at least help you track ideas.

Musical Notes (Free) | ITunes App Store


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