This 3-Ingredient Curry Chicken Is an Easy and Perfect Weekday Dinner

It doesn’t take long to prepare delicious and healthy meals. These curry chicken thighs are light, delicious, and require just three ingredients: curry powder, Greek yogurt, and of course chicken. (Okay, maybe a little salt and oil.)

The video above, from Epicurious, shows everything, but feel free to play it by ear if you do it yourself. Combine some salt and butter (a pinch and 2 tablespoons respectively) with a cup of yogurt and a little more tablespoon (they call one tablespoon and teaspoon) of curry powder. Mix to make a chicken thigh marinade. They spread the thighs out on a baking sheet and covered them with a spread before putting them in the plastic bag, but you could probably skip the step (and the dirty plate) and just put the chicken and pasta in the bag, seal it. and toss to cover. Let them marinate for a few hours. Then when you get back from work (or the next day), bake them at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes or until they’re done. That’s all there is to it.

You can even use a few drops from the baked thighs to turn leftover yogurt into a flavorful sauce that can be paired with food. All in all, this is a fairly simple dish with just a few ingredients and is easy enough to prepare before work or the night before, and then prepare when you get home in minutes.

How to Cook Chicken Thighs with Curry with 3 Ingredients ”wiki useful Epic (YouTube)


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