State Your Intentions First, Then Build Your Goals Around Them.

Goals are easy to come up with, or even easier to screw up. Before trying to plan your long-term goals, narrow down your intentions first.

As Business Blog Inc. notes, there is a clear difference between purpose and intent. Goals are what you hope to achieve, but you may not achieve. Intentions are what you plan to do, regardless of the outcome. Your goal may be to get a 4.0 GPA (which you may or may not be!), But you are going to go to college anyway. Based primarily on your intentions, you blaze a path in your mind. Then the goals are just milestones along the way:

Intention is a way of thinking. He leaves no room for an unfortunate outcome. In spite of everything, the intention will manifest. The only word you might want to take away from your thoughts and statements regarding desired outcomes is “hope.”

“I hope to grow my business 100 percent” is very different from “I intend to grow my business 100 percent.” When pursuing a result, make sure you have all the intentions to see it through. Leave no room in your mind to prevent this from happening.

Intentions can also be broader than goals, which need to be specific . By focusing on what you are going to do as a basis, you can shoot a little further and think longer term. Maybe you are about to start your own business. It’s unrealistic to think that you’ve got everything you need to start a business by the end of the week, but you’re going to do it by the end of the year. With this intention in mind, you can set goals for the week, month, and year that will lead you towards your goal in the long run.

Why Quitting Goals May Be the Smartest Doing in 2016 | Inc.


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