Fail Quickly, but Remember to Learn From Your Failures.

Failure seems to have a moment, which is great. Accepting failure means you grow and progress , which is good. However, in your quest for failure, remember to actually learn from those failures.

By now, you’ve probably heard the saying: fail early, fail fast, fail often . The idea is that the faster and more often you fail, the faster you will succeed. This may be true, but if you get over the setback too quickly, you may be missing out on an opportunity to learn from your mistakes.

The Harvard Business Review notes that there are different types of failure. Some setbacks are called “haphazard” and are, in fact, one-time, benign mistakes. You are late for lunch because your dog is sick and needs to see the vet. You missed the meeting because you submitted an urgent project at the last minute. Shit happens sometimes.

But there are also systematic failures. Psychologist Art Markman explains:

Systematic setbacks happen when there is a specific goal that you want to achieve but never did. Maybe it’s a major achievement, like writing a book or applying for a scholarship. This could be an important daily goal, such as exercising or eating healthier.

These failures usually happen for one of three reasons, Markman says: short-term pressure or long-term goals, hostile environment, or overwork. We’ve talked about some of these conflicts before, but the bottom line is that if you continue to fail at a goal, you should take the time to consider and analyze it.

Failure can be a good thing, but only if you learn from it, fix your problem areas, and then move forward. You can check the rest of the post at the link below.

When to Worry About Failure, and When Not | HBR


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