Best Youtube Channels You Can Practice on Right Now

Cold. The gym is full . You can also stay at home and watch videos … training videos. Here are some of our favorite ways to improve your fitness with YouTube.

The ones that made our list are channels packed with solid workouts – either full sessions or significant chunks that you can build as blocks into a longer workout. All (except weightlifting) are designed to follow your observation. (While some channels are full of quick tips, tutorial videos, monologues, recipes, or teasers for longer workouts, we skipped them here.) So you can select a video from this list and enjoy your workout right away, no planning is required.

Versatile fitness

Channel: FitnessBlender. Specialty : Bodyweight strength training or weird looking adjustable dumbbells . You will also find:training for a puppy .

Channel: Jessica Smith. The television. Specialty: Cardio / strength training (with and without weights) and somestrength walking exercisesin place . Oh, and some of them delightfullyportray her mom as a backup dancer . You will also find: Myth Busting Q&A Sessions

Channel: SofaBar (“Fits like a skater”). Specialty: an unusual version of ballet training, since Sophie is not a ballerina, but a figure skater. You will also find: Tips for skating on skates .

Power training

Channel: Muscle & Strength Specialty: Explains gym workouts (look then forward) that fit into weekly routines, such as their OT4 system and Fast 21 workouts . You will also find: recipes and interviews.

Channel: Scott Herman. Fitness Specialization: Resistance training (again, watch and walk, don’t follow directions), including a series of combination workouts for each body part . You will also find: tips and video blogs

Channel: Specialty: Workout videos preceded by short cinematic monologues from the person performing the workout. You will also find: recipes, tips and days from the lives of people in training, such as whenCalum von Moger visits the petting zoo before starting training.

Fast paced cardio

Channel: BodyRock. Specialty: High Intensity Intervals, including a 30-day video challenge every day, over 45 minutes in duration. You will also find: teasers of their paid exercise programs; Demonstrations of 30 second exercises.

Channel: BeFiT Specialty: Everything from dance routines to extreme workouts and yoga for beginners . Be sure to check out the BeFiT Go series of circuits to watch on your phone and do anywhere. You will also find: a few shorter mini workouts and periodic “health tips”, but nothing more. BeFiT is a huge channel with more full videos and more different types of workouts than any other we have found.

Channel: Jenny Ford Specialty: old school step aerobics. You will also find: instructions on exactly how to step on a rung (and a few other useful moves).

Channel: Global Cycling Network. Specialty: virtual spinning lessons that you can do on your own (using a bike in the gym or at home with a trainer if you have one). Most of them just show the sweaty faces of other cyclists, but some show the scenery so you can imagine yourself cycling through the picturesque hills. You will also find: instructional videos on everything related to cycling.

Yoga and rug work

Channel: Yoga Journal. Specialty: Yoga exercises and sequences for almost every conceivable purpose : getting energy or relaxing, sitting or standing, or focusing on different parts of the body. You will also find: features of mastering many poses .

Channel: Blogilates Specialty: Mat workout inspired by Pilates. You will also find: Healthy food recipes on a budget.

Channel: Cody. Specialty: Lots of yoga and cardio sessions. Jessamine does body positive yoga and Kino McGregor does crazy advanced yoga workouts . You will also find: CrossFit Technique Tips.

Channel: Specialty tonics : a series of useful yoga . Don’t believe for a moment that workout videos can “flush out toxins” from you or help with digestion, but otherwise videos may be the right way to spend time on yourself when you are suffering from grief or anxiety , or just want a new morning routine. … You’ll also find: Lots of recipes and travel guides to New York City attractions .


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