Download Old Versions of IOS Apps With a Clever Workaround

Have you ever received an iOS app update that completely ruined the app and made it horrible? There is a way to go back to older versions if you are willing to jump over some obstacles.

The process for downgrading applications is slightly different on OS X and Windows. On Mac, you need Charles , and on Windows, Fiddler . From there, you’ll have to follow a ton of steps, dig into some XML files, and jump over various other hoops to get the older version of the app. It’s a bit of work, but worth it if the update really messes with an app you use a lot (looking at you YouTube). Go to iDownloadBlog for a guide to downgrading applications from your Mac, or Medium for instructions on how to downgrade from your Windows computer.

How to Download Old Versions of iOS Applications (Mac Version) | iDownloadBlog How to legally download any previous version of the application from the App Store via iTunes (Windows version) | Middle


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