Ultimate to-Do List App Comparison Chart Compares the Most Popular Productivity Apps

To-do list apps are the cornerstone of a productivity system designed for the digital worker. But which application to use is subjective. A crowdsourced app comparison table with to-do list helps you choose the app you want.

The free Google Spreadsheet has 108 different parameters at the time of writing and compares 15 different apps. From specific features like audio memos and audio transcriptions to bigger things like Google Calendar support or HTTPS encryption, if you have a question about the to-do app’s features, it’s probably covered here.

If you’re looking for fewer options, our list of the top five to-do list managers is where to start. Compare them on the chart for your specific needs, if you have them.

This is for viewing only, but leave a line on the original Reddit thread if you want to help.

To Do List vs. Apps Comparison | Google Sheets


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