Let Go of Guilt to Better Deal With Your Debt.

For some, piles of debt may come from reliable sources such as student loans, but perhaps you just have more credit card debt than you planned and are now struggling. First step? Stop blaming yourself.

As noted on the psychology blog Psychology Today, as with most other areas of life, regularly committing suicide over past mistakes doesn’t help your budget. All it does is cloud your judgment and make it difficult to get back on track. If you are in debt because you screw something up or make the wrong choice, then okay. Admit it and move on:

While it is vital to confront financial reality, it is not necessary, helpful, or beneficial to do so while carrying the guilt and depression associated with that burden. Emotional overload can hide from you the fact that there is always a solution. It can weaken your ability to gain clarity and move to a better place.

Of course, justifying yourself doesn’t mean saying it’s not your fault, or pretending it never happened. It simply means that you no longer need to punish or scold yourself. Instead, focus on finding practical solutions. And, if you’re on the right track to paying off your debt, be happy about it, rather than constantly feeling guilty about what you’ve done wrong in the past.

When debt becomes prohibitive | Psychology Today via Rockstar Finance


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