Three Helpful Tips for Clearing the Road With a Snow Shovel

In winter, clearing snow from roadways and walkways can be a major challenge. However, with the right approach, you can deal with this quickly and safely.

In this video from YouTube channel Consumer Reports , home expert Eric Hado provides some helpful tips for clearing snow from your driveway this winter. The video starts with some clever ways to use your snow blower, as well as a snow shovel and how to use them effectively. Some of the outstanding ones are:

  1. Either shovel the snow as it falls (every few inches), or wait for the snow to stop and shovel in layers. Shovel as much snow as you like.
  2. Clear your driveway in two steps. Use a wide plastic snow shovel to push the snow from the center of the roadway to the outside edges (chances are it will hit the sidewalk), then you can use a metal shovel to lift the remainder off the roadway.
  3. Stay out of the snow before clearing it. The more you walk or ride on the snow and stack it, the more difficult it is to shovel.

Of course, if you don’t want to clean it up yourself, or you don’t think you can, there is bound to be an adventurous kid in the neighborhood who can do it for a few dollars. Or maybe a helpful neighbor will do you a favor. Whichever way you decide to do it, it’s best not to wait too long for things to clear up.

Tips for Quick Snow Removal | Youtube


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