Word Fireworks Makes Learning Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Hebrew Fun and Easy

Android / iOS: Learning to read, write, and speak languages ​​with their own character sets can be tricky for those of us accustomed to Latin letters, but Word Fireworks turns it into a game that’s not only easy to get into but also fun enough to stick with.

You can see how the application works in the video above – you will learn how to identify common words, pronounce them and, if there are special characters, how to draw them correctly. Words and symbols appear on the screen like fireworks, and when you draw them correctly, pronounce them or match their meanings, you generate fireworks and display them on your own screen. You even unlock additional fireworks as you progress through the game.

Different languages ​​have different focuses. For example, Chinese lessons focus on learning the correct tones, while Korean lessons focus on learning the Hangul combination. In Japanese, you will walk through katakana and hiragana to kanji, and in Hebrew, you will learn how to read printed and handwritten characters.

By the time you finish each lesson – or game, depending on how you look at it – you won’t be fluent or anything, but you will understand common symbols and words and be able to speak multiple words and phrases. Consider this a start, but with tutorials that are easy enough to follow and gameplay that’s challenging and fun enough to make you really want to play.

Each language – Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Hebrew – will set you back $ 2 for your preferred platform, and iOS and Android apps are available on iTunes, Google Play, and the Amazon App Store. Best of all, you have an app and that’s it – no ads, no in-app purchases to unlock anything. Click the link below to go to the home page and there are separate download links here .

Word Fireworks


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