TSA Cares Helpline Assists Veterans and Travelers With Disabilities With Security

Getting through airport security is pretty frustrating without the hassle that might come from special circumstances like metal implants, dentures, or a service animal. If this sounds like you or someone you love, the TSA Cares Hotline can help you get through these checkpoints with ease.

TSA Cares’ support team will explain what to expect when going through an inspection, if you have special needs, are a veteran, or are traveling with the necessary equipment that metal detectors can trigger. If you call at least 72 hours before departure, they can also make sure your airport is aware of your special circumstances and send someone to help you. You can even ask someone to escort you through the TSA checkpoint. To find out more about how this program works, watch the video above or call the hotline.

Passenger Support | TSA


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