This DIY Bourbon Blend Will Soothe Your Scratching Throat

This is the time for colds and coughs, but also the time for hot babies, and the latter is known to help relieve the pain of the former.

Bourbon is certainly not a substitute for plenty of fluids, plenty of rest, and real medical attention, but if you have a persistent cough, consider making Kitchn’s Adult Bourbon Cough Syrup.

Combine a couple ounces of bourbon, the juice of half a lemon, and a tablespoon of honey. It’s not on the ingredient list, but I would also add fresh ginger to it. Heat and drink slowly. Honey is an effective cough suppressant , and bourbon does what bourbon does best: it dulls the pain of existence, or in this case, the common cold. (If you’re avoiding alcohol, feel free to give up booze; honey will help on its own.)

Recipe: Adult Bourbon Cough Syrup | Kitchen


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