First World Problems Still Worth Solving

When a problem, problem, or annoyance is not life or death, we tend to dismiss it as a “first world” problem. This suggests that the problem is not worth solving and, as School of Life explains in this video, it is counterproductive.

Explaining what these problems are and why they are worth solving, the School of Life makes several powerful arguments. One of my favorite points is that we should be happy to be able to solve the following problems:

The fact that the problem is not life or death does not mean that it is not causing real pain or is not worth thinking about. The problem may be important, but not life-threatening. Moreover, we should be happy to try to solve the most difficult problems in existence.

Yes, worrying about finding a job that you enjoy seems incredibly selfish compared to fighting Ebola. But in terms of problem solving, one has nothing to do with the other. You can be grateful for everything you have and still work to make your life more fulfilling.

The video adds that the problems of the First World trickle down to the rest of the world, so solving them will ultimately serve a more important purpose. Of course, there is a fairly wide range of First World problems. Your seasoned Nutella probably doesn’t contribute much to your unhappiness, but stress, overwork, and fatigue will definitely be there.

The video highlights some of the common First World issues that often affect our well-being, and then explains why they are worth fixing. See for yourself above or at the link below.

First World Problems | School of Life


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