Encourage More Critical Thinking by Treating Each Day As an April Fool’s Day

Every year on the first day of April, everyone puts on the hat of thinking and consciously looks at much of what he hears or sees with a healthy dose of skepticism. Instead of only doing this on April 1st, treat each new information as if it was April 1st so that you can think more critically every day .

While it might be harder to completely mistake people for slackers today, April 1, in many industries, notably the health and fitness industry, you expect you to let your guard down for the remaining 364 days of the year, and often provide false information to buy your time. energy and money.

So, says George the Brave in the TEDx Talk above, treat each day like it’s April Fool’s Day. Look at everything you see and read on the Internet with skepticism. Take a step back and see if the concepts and ideas it contains are correct and ask many questions.

He delves deeper into the differences between skeptics, cynics and deniers, stating that being skeptical is “factual thinking,” that is, not all information should be taken at face value. At the 13th minute, he mentions the “4/1” concept. Watch the video above to find out more.

Rethinking Doubt: The Value and Achievements of Skepticism | TEDx Talks


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