Google Fit Now Tracks Your Runs, Connects to Sleep and Nutrition Apps

When Google Fit first came out, it was nothing more than a step counter , but now it is expanding its game. You can now track your runs and connect to third-party apps that track things like sleep and nutrition.

With new updates, Google Fit is perfect for analyzing your health from the top down, especially if you already use other services. On the nutrition side , integrations with MyFitnessPal , Fatsecret , Lifesum and LoseIt are expected to roll out in the coming days. There are also several sleep tracking apps that will integrate with Google Fit.

If you are using an Android Wear device ( which is sometimes useful! ), The new version of the app can also detect when you do squats, push-ups, and squats, as well as track this activity. This way, you don’t have to manually enter this information.

Google Fit: Improve Your Fitness | Google Android Blog via Android Police


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