Enable This Setting to Speed up Windows 10 Boot Up

There has been no shortage of performance improvements in Windows 10, but one of the most remarkable is its faster boot times. If your machine takes too long to boot, make sure this option is turned on to speed up the process.

The feature in question is called Fast Startup. How it works , when you turn off your computer, and not just unload everything into RAM, Windows will save an image of your loaded kernel and drivers in a so-called hiberfile. Thus, when the system boots again, it simply reloads this file, which greatly speeds up the boot process. To enable this, follow these steps:

  1. Find and open Power Options from the Start Menu.
  2. Click Choose What the Power Buttons Do on the left side of the window.
  3. Click Change Settings Currently Unavailable.
  4. Make sure Enable Fast Startup is enabled under Shutdown Options.

In a clean installation, this option should be enabled by default, however, if you are upgrading from a previous installation with changed power settings, this may not be the case. When I checked my car, this feature was not enabled. Either way, you will notice significantly faster boot times after turning it on.

How to Improve Windows 10 Startup Time | Simplify technology


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