Manage and Express Emotions Better With This Two-Step Process

Have there been days when you were angry for no reason? Or are you worried but cannot narrow down the issues? At The Atlantic, they spoke with David Caruso, co-founder of the Emotional Intelligence Skills Group, to develop a process for managing those emotions.

The idea is obvious here, but most users don’t. It is essentially a two-step process: pay attention to physiological cues and then ask yourself, “What are the possible causes of this?” Caruso gives several examples:

[Pay more attention to] physiological signals. Like tension – I feel how my jaw tightens, there is tension around my eyes. Am I worried, worried, angry? So, let’s just say I’m a little worried right now. The next part is to ask yourself: “What are the possible reasons for this …

Thus, the moral of this story is not only about carrying out physiological control. Step two is to ask yourself, “Where does this come from?” and “Is this concern related to the message I am about to make? The decision I’m going to make? Or the letter I’m about to send? Where does this irritation come from? Where does anger come from? Is it a hangover from the mood because the traffic was terrible today? Or, damn it, am I catching cold again and I can’t afford it? “

This is a pretty straightforward solution that should at least help you figure out what’s wrong, if not actually help you deal with it.

How to Express Emotions Better | Atlantic Ocean


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