These Hands-on Labs Will Teach You HTML, CSS, Online Privacy, and More.

Whether you want to learn HTML, CSS or JavaScript, why online privacy is so important, how Creative Commons works, or the basics of strong password and security hygiene, these great online seminars from the Mozilla Foundation (right guys behind Firefox) are perfect for teaching you or someone you know.

The range of classes ranges from programming oriented programs to more informative web literacy courses. Their interactive CSS Story Maps , which introduces you to building interactive stories using HTML and CSS, and their Erase All Kittens workshop, in which you sift through and modify code to make visible changes to the game. … Quacking JavaScript introduces you to one of the main languages ​​needed to build web applications.

On the other hand, if you need to brush up on your knowledge of passwords (or you know someone who could use a lesson on good security hygiene), Mozilla’s Privacy Fundamentals and Protecting Your Data courses will provide you with helpful tips. managing your passwords, understanding how and where your data is tracked and collected, and of course, how to protect yourself.

Each lesson is free, and the lessons themselves are just the tip of the iceberg. If you go to the sidebar on the left side of the page, you can find even more resources to get started coding, join the Mozilla Club and participate in the web community, or host the Maker Party and meet more people like you. Click on the link below to get started.

Educational activities | Mozilla Foundation


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