Test Your Basic Mobility and Basic Strength With These Seven Movements

If you’re in good shape, you probably know that. But what if you’re not entirely sure where your fitness scale is? Prophylaxis offers seven tricks you can do to test your basic mobility and strength.

You will need masking tape, a dowel about 4 feet long (a broom will do), and a doorway.

These movements include deep squats (checking the mobility of the hip and ankle), push-ups, straight-leg lifts, lunge, and more. Prevention markets this guide as a way to determine your “real” body age – add 3 to 5 years to your current age for each test you fail – but feel free to skip this part and just see where you are. motion tests based on the Thrive score developed by Gray Cook, co-author of the Functional Motion Screen.

How old is your body really? Find out in 7 moves | Prophylaxis


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