Why Nipples Get Hard During Exercise (and What to Do With Them)

Exercise has many benefits , but there is one side effect that is almost never talked about: hard nipples. Not everyone will experience it for themselves, but real conversation: N visibly sticking out during exercise can be embarrassing, let alone distracting for others if they notice (and trust me, you will now). Here’s how to deal with them.

It doesn’t matter if I’m warm after a workout or if it’s over 70 degrees Fahrenheit in the gym, I quickly find that my chest is swinging and my buttocks are stretched out. Apparently, I’m not the only one. While searching for the answer to this madness, I stumbled upon many other women and guys who had the same problem.

There doesn’t seem to be a clear explanation as to exactly why nipples burst, especially during exercise. The nipples, in particular the areola , are extremely sensitive to a variety of nerve connections and smooth muscle fibers , the contraction of which is associated with hard nipples . They can also become severe for a variety of reasons – from colder temperatures, breastfeeding, or agitation (tactile or otherwise). Some people may experience this more often than others, according to Columbia University :

The levels of various hormones can also be important because they affect the autonomic nervous system, which is the part of the nervous system that controls involuntary functions of the body’s internal processes, such as heart rate and blood pressure.

Thus, during exercise, the combination of shirt friction, increased physiological response (heart palpitations and blood flow), and colder temperatures from an air conditioner in the gym could potentially cause nipple erections. This does not necessarily mean that you are sexually aroused, but some have suggested that this mechanism is similar to the body’s involuntary response – goosebumps to minimize heat loss.

While pointed nipples can be embarrassing at the most inopportune moments, you can’t really control your nipples. If you’re really concerned, you can make them less noticeable by applying adhesive tape or a flat cotton pad (which, incidentally, is also a way to deal with nipple chafing and soreness from running). Other alternatives include a sports bra with extra padding (for women), a bright T-shirt with a graphic pattern that can hide them, or even seeing to it makes whether a particular material or exercise their rise more or less often.

Whatever your decision, know that you are not alone.


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