Measure Your Real Bed Frame Before Purchasing a Quilt

It’s easy to forget about it, but bed decoration isn’t just about mattress size. Checking your other bed sizes before purchasing a quilt can save you some headaches.

Beds come in all shapes and sizes. Some are high off the ground, while others have frames that are wider than the mattress on top of them. This is why Apartment Therapy’s Adrienne Brough recommends measuring your entire bed before you hit the road:

While it might be tempting to just click on buying a queen size duvet, if you know you have a queen size bed, you want to take a look at the actual dimensions of the duvet, quilt, comforter, duvet, etc. And then measure your bed dimensions. Things like the height of your bed from the ground and the depth of the mattress can affect how long the bedspread can hang from the sides of your bed.

A bed with a duvet that is too small or too wide will look a little silly, no matter how perfect your mattress is . Memorize all your bed sizes in advance and you can save on travel costs by returning a blanket or duvet that doesn’t look right.

5 Important Things Everyone Forgets to Do Before Buying | Apartment therapy


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