Boost Confidence Before Presenting by Showing a Little Arrogance

You don’t have to act like a jerk towards other people, but if you’re nervous before giving a talk or presentation, a little arrogance can help you shake off your shivers.

Mohammed Kahtani is Toastmasters International’s 2015 Public Speaking World Champion, so he knows a thing or two about psychological preparation for a performance. While this may sound a little conceited, Kakhtani invites you to take a moment before your speech to tell yourself that you are better than the audience. Of course, Kahtani explains to Business Insider’s Richard Feloni that this type of ego is not something that you always carry with you:

“I don’t mean it selfishly!” he said. Rather, he tells himself that he is “better” in the sense that he speaks courageously in front of people who sit and listen to what he has to say. It is a psychological shift that removes the fear of humiliation. “You don’t need to be afraid of them because they admire you,” Kakhtani said.

Many fears of public speaking arise from fear of the audience itself, but if you change your perspective and convince yourself that you are in some way superior to them, you can relieve that stress a lot. Most of the time, being arrogant is bad, but right before a performance it gives you enough confidence to feel strong and capable. When you’re done, be a good normal person again and save your next selfish journey for your next presentation.

7 Presentation Tips From The 2015 Public Speaking World Champion | Business Insider


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