A Start-to-Finish Guide to Sharpening a Knife With a Whetstone

There is no need to buy extravagant new knife sets every time your blades start to dull. Instead, you can take care of your knives and extend their lifespan. This video will show you how to keep them as crisp as when you bought them.

The video above from the How To You YouTube channel explains everything you need to sharpen with a grindstone at home and the best methods for doing it. Obviously, you’ll need a whetstone (as well as a few other things), and you’ll want to work near a sink or bucket so you have easy access to water. Fill a container with water, then submerge the whetstone until it stops bubbling. Examine your blades for problem areas and start sharpening using the methods and movements described in the video; be sure to check your progress along the way. We already talked about sharpening knives with whetstones , but this guide is more detailed and the old video has been deleted since then.

How to sharpen knives | Youtube


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