Use Your Spiralizer to Make Beautiful Crispy Potato Pancakes

The vegetable spiralizer may have been invented to make healthy impostor noodles from plant parts, but I’m here to suggest that you use it for higher purposes. I am here to suggest you use it for latkes.

While I have nothing against “zoodle” (other than the name), I am not exactly crazy about them. I’m sure they have their own time and place, but this is not pasta. (Although they seem to be very popular.) If you’ve at some point been tempted by the idea of ​​healthier, greener “noodles” and bought a spiralizer (just to get really tired of the squash noodles), don’t despair. Your curly vegetable gizmo is good for so much more.

Food & Wine has a lot of great deals in this direction (see below), but my favorite is their picturesque potato pancakes (latkes). Thin curly strands not only swell beautifully, but also look very pretty. I am so passionate about them that I am almost tempted to buy a spiralizer.

5 Creative Ways to Use a Spiralizer | Food and wine


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