Resist Nostalgia to Improve Your Vision for the Future.

Nostalgia is not an easy feeling. Sometimes it brings usexciting new Star Wars films . Other times it brings us yet another damn Transformers movie . As far as your own life is concerned, nostalgia for the old days may sound good, but it can also keep you from improving your future.

As Business Blog Inc. explains, excessive nostalgia for the “good old days” can make us neglect our own future. After all, if you are confident that your best days are behind you, you are less likely to invest in what comes next. As long as you are alive and physically fit, you can always look forward to a new job, relationship, or stage in your life. You just have to look for this:

According to Siebold , it is a terrible and self-defeating temptation to believe that your best days are behind you. Instead: “Self-earning millionaires become rich because they are willing to bet on themselves and project their dreams, goals and ideas into an unknown future.” He says that the past exists only for them so that they can learn.

Of course, nostalgia is not inherently evil. It is normal to remember fondly about student days or about old exciting work. The problem arises when longing for your past convinces you that your future will not match those old days. Your attitude can affect your reality. If you want to invest in your future, don’t idolize your past.

One Worldview Always Avoided by Truly Rich People | Inc.


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