DIY Dishwasher Tablets Wash Dishes Cheaply

You can save a lot of money by making a dishwasher detergent. If you prefer dishwasher tablets to liquid , check out these simple instructions.

Suburbia Unwrapped recommends using silicone mini cupcake molds, as the tablets are easy to get out when they harden after a few hours and are ideal for dishwashing.

Aside from hardening the tablets, the entire project should take a few minutes if you have all the ingredients: borax, washing soda, epsom or kosher salt, baking soda, distilled white vinegar, water, and lemon.

Typically, you mix dry ingredients and wet ingredients separately and then mix them. Put the mixture in a muffin tin, wait for it to dry and then you have dishwasher tablets that cost a lot less than store bought ones.

Navigate to the post link below for complete information on DIY.

Dishwasher tablets will make you clean dishes for only pennies! | Suburbia unwrapped


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