Why Plane Food Tastes so Good (and How to Make It Better)

If you don’t think the in-flight food is so delicious, you are not crazy. The thing is, even the snacks you pack for your trip probably won’t be all that good either, making the whole flight even more sucky . This is why and what you can do to make it better.

Of course, in-flight food is usually not that high quality to start with, but there is actually some science behind why your taste buds aren’t enamored with your food. Chemist-turned- bakerJanice Lavandy, Ph.D. at The Kitchn, explains that it all depends on your environment:

The science of taste and smell is complex … both senses require moisture to function optimally, and those senses are the key to your taste. Depending on flight altitude, humidity levels can drop below 15 percent, which is less humid than desert. With less moisture and low pressure in the cabin, the taste buds are much less sensitive to salty and sweet things. More importantly, odor receptors cannot do their job. Just like with a cold or nasal congestion, if you don’t smell food, your sense of taste also dulls.

In addition, you may be affected by the noise of the aircraft itself. So what can you do to get a taste? Lavender invites you to try umami . Your fifth taste will remain intact and may even be enhanced by dry air. Choose foods served with savory sauces, or dishes with mushrooms, soy sauce, or tomatoes. Even a glass of tomato juice can be enough to satisfy your need for aroma. You can find out more at the link below.

Why is the food eaten on the plane taste so small? | Kitchen


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