Twinword Finder for Chrome Instantly Crawls Web Pages Looking for Key Information

When you crawl a web page looking for information, a quick CTRL + F search can help you find certain words faster. However Twinword Finder for Chrome displays a scan of the word to a new level, and carrying out search-related terms and select only those sections that are relevant to your search.

Twinword Finder from Twinword uses a similar natural language processing (NLP) API to the DuckDuckGo search engine , easily finding terms that might be related to the original search query. After installing the extension, click on the magnifying icon in your Chrome browser (or use CTRL + Shift + F) and enter the word you want to search for. It instantly highlights every paragraph on the page that contains words that are relevant to your search query. For example, instead of browsing the Wikipedia page for a specific piece of key information, searching with the Twinword Finder will take you directly to paragraphs containing information and hide unnecessary material around it. You can download the free extension from the Chrome Web Store from the link below.

Double Word Search | Chrome Web Store


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