Develop Your Creativity With This Simple Word Exercise

According to Steve Jobs, creativity is just a connection . You might argue that this is not only the case, but a lot of it has to do with finding unique ways to connect the dots. Designer and researcher Balder Onarheim suggests developing creativity with a simple exercise with words. And you can try it while brushing your teeth.

In the video above, Onarheim says that finding ways to connect randomness is creativity (and problem solving). To hone his creativity, he brushes his teeth with verbal exercises. He comes up with a completely random word that seemingly has nothing to do with the process: camel is an example that someone from the audience offers. From here, he finds a way to relate these seemingly random concepts. (Maybe a camel hair toothbrush?) It doesn’t have to be perfect; the idea is to just flex your creative muscles.

His main point: Connecting randomness can help solve problems because you learn to find creative solutions. And this is a fairly simple skill to practice. Read his TED talk to find out more.

3 tools to get more creative | TEDx Talks


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