Amazon Prime Now Only Lets You Share With Two Adults and Four Children

Until August 1st, you could share the benefits of Amazon Prime’s cheap shipping with four other adults . The company will now limit the sharing of Prime benefits to two adults and four children – if you haven’t signed up yet – in a new feature called Amazon Household that shares all the Prime benefits and even payment options.

The new feature, dubbed Amazon Household , appears to be aimed at treating Prime as a family service rather than a shared pool of benefits. In other words, you and your three best friends cannot share it, but you and your spouse can. The two adults will share all the benefits including cheaper shipping, instant video, Kindle Lending library, and more. Four kids (who don’t need their own accounts) will only be able to use non-purchase features such as movie streaming or book sharing.

One of the important changes here is that now that two adults have a common account for a family, they will also be allowed to copy each other’s credit and debit cards . Apparently, this is not something you would like to do with your roommate or coworker. In fact, it might not even be something you would like to set up with your partner, depending on your relationship. To be honest, it’s a little weird that Amazon makes this a must for Household features.

The good news is that if you’ve shared Amazon accounts before, the change won’t affect you unless you specifically agree. So, if you’ve been sharing the benefits of Prime delivery with a roommate or partner, that arrangement will still work and they won’t be able to suddenly access your credit cards.

However, any future exchange will use this new system. So, if you were planning on adding someone to your plan, keep in mind that sharing your Prime benefits now is a whole different thing than a week ago. Also, don’t delete anyone from your account unless you want their benefits to disappear forever, as you won’t be able to add them back to the old system.

Changes to the Amazon Prime Terms of Service Effective July 31, 2015 | Great deals via Android Police


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