Focus on What You Can Do, Not What You Should Be Doing

You know those times when you swallow a whole pizza and mumble while the sauce is still dripping from your lips: “Was I supposed to eat just one piece?” But you haven’t, and regretting past decisions only further undermines your commitment to achieving your health goals. Here’s how you can pull yourself together, stop worrying about what you should have done, and focus on what you can do.

Jack Coulson, fitness trainer at Strongfident, calls this post-factual remorse ” must play .” Thoughts like “I should have gone to the gym instead of spending happy hours with my colleagues” or “I should have gone to bed early instead of playing more League of Legends .” The should play creates a mindset in people that deprives them of power and responsibility for their actions. Instead, play the bank game to move from negative to positive thinking.

Playing the Bank gives you the ability to keep making progress without feeling upset when you slip. He explains:

It takes time to develop this level of self-awareness, and you must realize that sometimes you will make “bad” choices. Simply put, you won’t always make choices that fit your goals. This is fine. Accept this. This is part of being human.

Remember, when you focus on what you “should” have done, you lose focus on what you “can” do now to improve the situation. Focusing on what you CAN do is the most important game you can play.

This can be easily applied to many life situations outside of health and fitness, but Jack notes that it may not always work. Visit Strongfident to see examples of the canning game in action.

Shoulda Have Coulda | Strongfident


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