Good Sunglass Etiquette: “Always, Sometimes, Never”

Sunglasses are an indispensable summer item, but there is still a time and place for them. This matrix chart shows proper etiquette for wearing and storing sunglasses in all situations.

Don’t be confused with the “sometimes, always, never” rule for wearing a jacket correctly : These rules from illustrator Ted Slampjak of The Art of Manliness will help you look professional and courteous in sunglasses, wherever you are. For example, it is always acceptable to wear sunglasses outdoors, but you should always take them off when entering a building. In addition, sometimes you can put your sunglasses on top of your head, hang them on the collar, or hang them around your neck with a strap; but sometimes this is not the case, especially in a professional or formal environment. You can check out the full table below.

Always / Sometimes / Never Matrix of Sunglasses | The art of masculinity


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