Monoid Is an Open Source Font Ideal for Programmers

When you write code, the choice of the font to use is more of a utility than a beauty. Whether you are a professional programmer or just starting out , this open source font is easy to read and easy to work with.

Monoid, designed by Andreas Larsen, should be sleek and precise. Each individual symbol in the Monoid library was designed by Larsen to be difficult to distinguish from each other, so you never have to worry about confusing theta, o, O, and 0 (zeros). The font is also monospaced (each character is the same width), making it easy to review the code and spot any errors that might be confusing. However, the character spacing is small, so you can fit as much as you need in a line of code. What makes Monoid even better is that it is alive. Because it is an open source font, it can be tweaked and improved over time by the people who use it. You can check out Monoid at the link below.

Open Source Monoid Font | Monoid via Fast Company


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