Fortunately, YouTube for Android Now Displays Vertical Videos Correctly.

Android: Vertical videosdon’t work . While it seems instinctive to shoot videos vertically, they inevitably get loaded on systems that don’t support vertical video and get lost. Google is now making this annoying practice a little less awful by displaying vertical videos full screen on phones.

Previously, if you watched a YouTube video that was recorded vertically, pressing the full screen button resulted in a horrible horizontal inbox format that was not much better than the original. Now going full screen will instead fill your phone’s frame (as shown above) in the correct orientation. This is great news.

Of course, it’s worth noting that this only works on Android phones. IOS phones, like pretty much all existing displays, still use landscape orientation. Vertical video will still result in a nasty letterbox video on most screens it will ever play on. While Google is trying to help fix this a bit, do everyone a favor and turn your phone around before you shoot a video.

Our long national nightmare is over – YouTube on Android now properly displays vertical videos in full screen mode | Police Android


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