The Best Way to Recuperate After a Night Out

So you’ve just pulled in an effective nightly job to complete this project, but you still need to do it today. In this video, you will learn that it is very possible to have a productive day after night and how to do it successfully.

A video from the New York Magazine YouTube channel gives you some tips to get you through the day and sets out a science-backed schedule for the day. For starters, if you managed to get some sleep, do not press the snooze button when the alarm goes off; you are not going to rest anymore. Instead, get out of bed and use that time to eat a breakfast of whole grains and protein within an hour of waking up. After that, have one cup of coffee and some direct sunlight (without sunglasses). You can also add some simple exercises in there to increase your heart rate.

Once you get to work, grab a second cup of coffee and tackle the hardest task first. The first few waking hours will be the most productive, so don’t waste them. After a few hours, grab a light lunch of grains, vegetables, and lean proteins, and grab your last cup of coffee of the day to keep you awake all night. Save whatever busy work you have for the day you start dragging and try to stop early so you can get home and reset your sleep cycle . Follow these tips and it will feel like a night like this never happened.

Recovering from the Night Long: Our Science, Episode 3 | Youtube


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