How to Deal With a Boss Resignation

These days, it is rare to find someone who has been in the same position throughout their careers, but while most of us understand that transitioning to another role is almost inevitable for any professional, we often forget that fact. that bosses change on too.

This post was originally published on the Muse website .

It is devastating when someone resigns from their position , but especially when it comes to the main thing – after all, he or she kept the group together, right?

In my 14 years of working with bosses, I’ve seen quite a few people move to greener pastures, and I’ve chosen a few do’s and don’ts to get through them (and even see an opportunity for greener pastures on my site). its). If your boss wrote his notice, keep these guidelines in mind for the next two weeks.

Not: panic

I will never forget the first time one of my bosses resigned to start a business. (Back then, we called it “retirement,” whenever someone faced an entrepreneurial mistake.) While I wouldn’t think about it now – I’ve seen many bosses and colleagues do the same thing over the years – it’s very frustrating because of the time. I immediately guessed that now something is wrong, and that his departure was a sign of trouble. Was my job in danger? Have our benefits been cut? Has the company’s reputation deteriorated?

While it’s natural – and wise – to keep all of these things in mind whenever a big player hangs up his spikes, don’t let that get you overwhelmed. Remember that bosses are people too, and it’s perfectly okay for them to find other opportunities to pursue their careers. And panic about something you don’t know or control won’t help you move forward.

Do: investigate – discreetly

However, sometimes trouble happens in paradise when an older person escapes. For example, when one of my founding partners suddenly “retired” after spending the last decade developing the firm, I couldn’t help but wonder if something was happening beyond his sudden interest in sailing around the world.

So, a little covert research can help you stay in the know and prepare. If possible, seek information directly from the source (for example, try to get the story from your boss, not the rumor mill). If this is not possible – or likely if you have limited access to your supervisor – you need to do a little investigation.

Ask in the office, but try to limit your questions to higher-level people you respect. Express your regret at the boss’s departure and wish him all the best. Then casually ask if anyone knows where your boss is heading. The answer can tell you a lot, not only about where he or she will end up, but also what knowledgeable people might relate to.

While there is no guarantee that you can rely on this second-hand information as fact, understanding how your coworkers perceive your boss’s departure can give you a clue if problems lie ahead (and you should be looking too), or if you can. Start planning your goodbye happy hour with a clear conscience.

Don’t take it personally

A few years ago, when one of my favorite bosses retired, I took it personally . We have developed an excellent working relationship over the years and she has become a valuable mentor to me. When I discovered that she was leaving, I was crushed. I even selfishly wondered, “How could she do this to me?”

While it’s fair to feel discouraged – even abandoned – when your boss leaves, remember that any decision to leave a job is difficult, personal, and rarely taken lightly. While your boss probably wondered how this might affect the team, in the end, he or she had to do what was best. Share your support and enthusiasm for your boss’s new endeavors, and invite both of you to stay connected. Making a positive last impression will demonstrate your appreciation for your boss’s leadership and lay the foundation for a lasting relationship in the future, wherever you may be.

Do: take a step forward in your game

While losing a boss can be a challenge – both professionally and emotionally – there is another loophole. After all, whenever a team changes its roster, you have the opportunity to improve your game .

If possible, invite your future former boss for coffee and think about what the team needs from its next leader. Get feedback on your work and find out where you can help meet these needs. (In my experience, people who leave are much more open to honestly discussing their work – and yours – when they know they don’t need to bump into you in the elevator every day for the next year.)

Also, don’t be afraid to share your ideas and offer suggestions on how you would like to contribute to the company in the future – your boss may delegate some of his responsibilities to you or suggest to others that you are willing to take on more.

If your boss is jumping ship, just remember to stay calm and carry on, gather facts from reliable sources, don’t take it personally, and always use the situation as an opportunity to step up your game. With a calm head, respect, and a killer work ethic, you’ll show bosses what you’re made of and prove you can be relied upon to ease the transition to a new boss. (And who knows? That new boss could be you!)

What To Do When Your Boss Retires | Muse


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