Make Stracciatella for the Best DIY Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Chocolate chip ice cream should be easy to make with your own hands. What can be difficult about tossing chocolate chips in a pint of vanilla? Nothing fancy except that it might not give the desired result. What’s the best way to add chocolate pieces to ice cream? Do like Italians and drizzle some Stracciella over the last few minutes of whisking.

To make stracatella, simply add some neutral-flavored butter (a teaspoon for every two ounces of chocolate will do) to the melted chocolate. This lowers the melting point of the chocolate, causing the velvety crumb-like chunks to melt in your mouth.

What makes this method better? Storebake Chocolate Chips are designed to be baked, not frozen, and are coated with stabilizers to keep them in shape while thawing. This is great for baking, but terrible for frozen treats, making the chocolate chunks waxy and chalky.

Check out the link below for more details, as well as a few other tasty tips and tricks to help improve your ice cream game.

The Subtle Secrets of Making the Best Ice Cream Mixes | Serious food


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