Write Objectively About the Situation to Stop Over-Analyzing It
Many of us have the bad habit of analyzing social situations to death. Maybe you blew up the interview question. Maybe you and your friend put your foot in your mouth. Whatever the scenario, write about it to stop thinking.
Writing has many mental health benefits . And this particular exercise works even better because you write objectively, detached from the situation.
In Self Stairway, writer Vincent Nguyen explains:
Try not to write about how you feel, and instead, be as objective as possible. For example, if you think someone was laughing at you, don’t write, “I’m so angry because I know they were laughing at me!” Instead, say, “Some people were laughing. I’m not sure if it was directed against me. ” Reading that allows you to relax and analyze the situation from a less emotional point of view. Plus, you can see how silly it sounds when you think they are laughing at you just because they are laughing at all. People laugh all the time. This does not mean that this is due to any specific reason related to you.
Again, writing has therapeutic value, so even if you still feel like the situation is related to you, simply putting your thoughts down on paper can help you let go of them and get on with your life.
If you’re thinking too much, we’ve covered a number of additional solutions, so check them out here .
And check out the rest of Nguyen’s post at the link below.
5 Ways To Stop Overthinking And Overestimating Anxiety | Independent staircase
Photo by annazuc .