What It Really Means When a Program “leaks Out of Memory”

People often scream about “memory leaks” when a program uses a lot of RAM, but this is a little more complicated. Techquickie’s Linus reveals the truth about memory leaks in this video.

Memory leaks are a very specific kind of high RAM usage. Usually, when a program stops a certain task, it saves some data in memory in case you rerun the task later ( which is good !). However, it will mark it as “clean up” if your system needs RAM for something important. Memory leaks happen when a program does not mark this completed task as suitable for cleaning – which means that it simply stays in memory forever until you close it completely or restart your computer (which is bad).

Unfortunately, memory leaks are usually the result of poor programming, which means there is little you can do to fix and prevent them. You just need to reboot from time to time, or better yet, stop using this program. Watch the video above for a detailed explanation of Linus.

Leak memory as fast as possible | Techquickie


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