Rebuild Old Tools and Clean Painted Surfaces With Oil Before Shaving

Got old tools or furniture with marker ink or paint splatter? You may have a solution for them in your bathroom cabinet: shaver oil.

The oil, which is supposed to lubricate your skin for a smoother, smoother shave, also appears to be able to remove stubborn stains and glue residue from metal, enamel and glass restoration surfaces, LumberJocks says.

You can of course try Goo Gone as well, but shaving lotion is a little cheaper per ounce compared to Goo Gone ($ 0.68 an ounce vs. $ 0.74 an ounce on Amazon for small bottles) – and you can use shaving lotion … too much.

Visit the website below for more tips on repairing tools.

Tool Restores # 2: Share One Of My Tips For Cleaning Tools | Lumber


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