Groceries Are Expected to Rise in Price This Summer

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) expects food price inflation to be fairly moderate this year. But this prediction will depend on the food. Here are the foods expected to rise in price in the US this summer.

Whether you’re looking for groceries to stock up on, or just trying to start meal planning, it’s helpful to know which groceries in the store will be more expensive in the coming months. Here’s what we can expect to see increases this summer, according to Get Rich Slowly:

Poultry : Before throwing white meat on the grill, you should know that poultry costs are also higher than last year. Yes, according to the Bureau of Labor , the retail price of chicken has gone up; however, the price of turkey is lower, although customers do not eat it very often as a substitute for chicken. If you’re not a turkey lover, other white meats (pork) have lower prices in almost all retail cuts.

Eggs: If you haven’t noticed an increase in egg prices, you probably will soon. Avian influenza has affected more than 46 million laying hens in the United States ( source ), accounting for about 10 percent of laying hens. As these chicks need to be destroyed, egg production has dropped. Suppliers are struggling to find enough eggs to meet supermarket demand. If prices continue to rise, you can try less expensive baked egg substitutes, such as flaxseed flour and water, or vinegar and water.

Bananas: Unfortunately, the price of bananas has risen significantly over the past few months, most likely due to a fungal disease that threatens the banana crop worldwide – and there is nothing to monkey around here. don’t waste them. If they ripen too quickly, make banana bread. Another great idea is to peel and freeze them on a baking sheet (then place in freezer bags) to add to smoothies later.

Strawberries: Strawberries are more expensive this time this year than last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics data on average retail prices for food and energy, but strawberries have an advantage: we have the middle of the strawberry season. Search in farmers’ markets, choose self-growing farms and, yes, even your local supermarket. With a little effort, strawberries can be found at a reasonable price.

The USDA’s Economic Research Service also made some predictions for 2015 as a whole:

Beef and veal . Most retail beef prices are on average at an all-time high, even after adjusting for inflation. ERS predicts that in 2015 prices for beef and veal will rise by 5.5–6.5 %.

Fresh vegetables : prices are expected to rise by 2.0-3.0 percent in 2015

On the positive side, they expect pork prices to decline. Good news if you’re a bacon lover. Check out the rest of the USDA predictions and the full Get Rich Slowly article below.

7 grocery items that have become more expensive this summer | Get rich slowly


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