Boost Your Productivity by Taking Short Breaks to Get a Glimpse of Nature

You probably know that it is important to take regular breaks from work , but what you do during them is equally important. Recent research shows that spending less than a minute studying nature images can help you when you’re mentally tired.

In a study led by Dr. Keith Lee of the University of Melbourne and published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology , participants were asked to complete boring, “attention-consuming” tasks. They were then given 40-second breaks, half were told to look at the bare concrete roof, and the other half were told to look at pictures of nature. Participants who looked at images of nature then made far fewer mistakes and showed more concentration when they returned to their task. Lee explains the results in the University of Melbourne Newsroom:

“This study has shown us that viewing an image of nature in less than a minute is all it takes to help people do our job better … Taking micro breaks is very important. This is what many of us do naturally when we are stressed or mentally tired. There is a reason why you are looking out the window and looking for nature, it can help you focus on work and keep you productive throughout the work day. “

You may not have an office window to look out of, but any images that depict nature and green vegetation will probably help you. Take a short break for a cup of coffee, but also try to take a few seconds to surround yourself with nature .

Green Roof 40-Second Views Maintain Attention: The Role of Microbreaks in Attention Recovery | Journal of Environmental Psychology via The Melbourne Newsroom


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