Automatically Sort Images With Smart Albums in Apple Photos

The new Photos app in OS X does a great job organizing your photos , but if you want more granular control, MacWorld will show you a few tricks to get the most out of Smart Albums.

Smart Albums in Photos work in a similar way to Smart Playlists in iTunes. After adjusting a number of options, the photos are automatically sorted for you. You can set it up to retrieve favorites, on specific dates, and more. Personally, I’ve found the location setting most useful for sorting a recent set of vacation photos. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Create a new Smart Album by choosing File> New Smart Album.
  2. Set the criterion [Photo] [Yes] [Tagged with GPS]
  3. Add a new set of criteria and set it to [Text] [Includes] [City name]

That’s it, Photos will automatically sort all photos with GPS data for that city into a new album. Visit MacWorld for more smart album ideas.

Smart Use of Smart Albums in Photos for OS X | MacWorld


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