Milez Calculates the Number of Frequent Flyer Miles You’ll Need for Free Flights

Have a lot of frequent flyer miles but don’t know where to go? Or do you want to make the most of those miles on your planned trip? Head to Milez to find out how far your miles can go.

Milez is a simple site. Enter your starting city and destination and you can select a specific frequent flyer program or view award rates for all 76 programs Milez tracks. The lowest flight award price is listed at the top, which is useful if you’re planning a big trip and want to pay for it with a credit card sign-up bonus or calculated charges. Comparison is also useful if you have miles or points scattered across several programs.

Prices shown are for roundtrip flights by seat class. You can also check how many points you need to convert and transfer from an affiliate loyalty program to one of these frequent flyer programs (for example, from a hotel program or a credit card in AAdvantage).

Finally, Milez can also recommend places to go based on how many miles you’ve saved. It shows five random destinations for the selected program, but you can reload the page for more suggestions. This feature is probably more for fun, but sometimes the mere thought of travel brings happiness. via foXnoMad


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