Enhance Any Shake With a Pinch of Salt

Regardless of whether you want sweet or sour, the cocktail should be delicious. Adding a tiny pinch of salt to a recipe will add the desired flavor to the palate without overwhelming the taste buds.

In his new book, Liquid Intelligence: The Art and Science of the Perfect Cocktail, author and mixologist Dave Arnold reveals the secret ingredient to any perfect cocktail: salt. Simply stirring in a pinch will bring up other flavors. Because of the way salt interacts with your taste buds, sweet ingredients will be slightly sweeter, sour ingredients will be slightly sour, and your tongue won’t taste salty at all. For the same reason, you add very little salt to baked goods or ice cream. Just make sure it’s just a pinch and whatever cocktail you make will taste better than ever.

Liquid Intelligence: The Art and Science of the Perfect Cocktail | Amazon via gastropod


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