AndroidTool Takes Screenshots and Screenshots in One Click From Your Phone

Android / OS X: If you want to take screencasts or screenshots of your Android phone and instantly save them to your computer, AndroidTool will simplify the process with one click – assuming you have a Mac to work with that Android device, which is.

AndroidTool is a simple open source utility that connects to your Android phone via ADB, so you need to enable developer options on your device before you can use it. (Go to Preferences> Developer, turn on developer options, then turn on USB debugging.) From there, simply connect your device to your Mac via USB and launch the AndroidTool utility on your Mac.

If everything is connected correctly, the tool will show the model number of your Android phone, confirm that it is connected, and give you two large buttons to take a screenshot or start recording a screen. Anything you shoot or record is saved in the “AndroidTool” folder on your desktop, so you don’t have to search for that.

That’s all there is to it. The app is simple, lightweight and gets the job done. Sure, it doesn’t have the bells and whistles of a heavier tool like AirDroid, but if you need something simpler that can support multiple Android phones or devices connected to the same Mac at the same time, this is a good option. Follow the link below to give it a try.

AndroidTool-Mac | GitHub via MakeTechEasier


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