If You Are Not Looking for Help, You Are Probably Not Challenging Yourself.

Asking for help is always humiliating. It means admitting to someone who knows more that you know less. It is also the only way to challenge yourself and become better. If you are not asking for help, you may not be challenging yourself.

Thanks to the internet, it has become really easy to get a lot of skills online without even talking to people. However, this can only turn you on. As the business blog Entrepreneur points out, having to ask other people for their opinions can kill their difficult projects if you’re not willing to admit that you need help:

For example, writing a book is a huge undertaking that most people fear because they don’t know how or where to start. Every time I write a book, I seek advice from a writing coach who holds me accountable and helps me become a better person. This person keeps me informed and helps me achieve my goals.

Sometimes this can mean attending a class, but it can also mean simply asking for advice from someone in your life who knows better than you. It also seems more intimidating than it actually is. Any decent teacher (or helpful friend) you would like to learn from will probably not humiliate you for wanting to learn. If they do, then they are not really the type of person you want to learn from in the first place. Getting over that hump and asking for help is the first step to challenging yourself.

Let go of your ego and ask for help when you need it | Businessman


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