This Table Provides Limited Catering Options for Major Airlines.

While free airplane meals are rare these days, they are often served on international flights. If you have dietary restrictions, you can use the following table to view all options for the major airlines.

The table lists suggestions related to vegan, vegetarian, medical, religious, and allergy restrictions. If two airlines have tickets for the same price, you can use their meal offerings to make your choice. Of all the airlines included, Singapore and JAL have the most options for various types of restrictions. United and Qantas allow for the fewest food restrictions.

Once you choose your airline, you can find out if they offer food that suits your diet and re-order accordingly. You should call the airline a few days before departure to confirm that your meal request has been accepted. You can also pack snacks in case the food isn’t enough or you don’t like it. Check out the table in the full publication linked below.

The Picky Eaters Guide to Aviation Food | Happy card


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