Enter “Note to Myself” in Google to Send the Note to Your Phone

Google yesterday announced a feature that lets you send directions to your Android phone right from the search box. What they didn’t announce is that you can also use a “note to yourself” to send a reminder directly to the notification bar.

As Android Police points out, “sticking a note” works the same way as “sending a route.” To send a text note to your phone, follow these steps:

  1. Open Google.com on your computer and enter “note to yourself” plus the text you want to send into the search box.
  2. Press Enter.
  3. Edit the note (if necessary) and select a device from the drop-down list.
  4. Click “Send note to your phone”.
  5. Open your phone and the note should be in the shadow of notifications.

This feature requires the latest version of the Google app, Google Now notifications are enabled, App history and web searches are enabled, and you must be signed in to your Google account. You can also use Google to set an alarm for your phone.

Google Desktop Search also lets you set an alarm or send a note to your phone | Police Android


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